5 Microfrontend-oriented CMS

CMS  Microfrontend

What are Microfrontend Oriented CMSs

They are content management systems designed to allow the creation of modular and scalable web applications. They work through a modular architecture, where each component in the user interface is independent and is responsible for rendering its own content, which can also be developed and deployed independently.

If you want to know what Microfrontends are and when to use them read this article.

Benefits and key points of Microfrontend oriented CMSs

Among the main benefits are the following:

  • Enable a scalable organization, whose teams are decoupled and autonomous, creating synergy that increases performance and throughput.

  • Reduced code bases, easier to maintain and with greater cohesion.

  • With this architecture you have the ability to update or rewrite parts of the frontend in a more agile and incremental way.

  • Allows teams to choose which technology to use without having to coordinate with other teams.

  • Each team can isolate its code and create independent, self-contained applications.

In conclusion, they improve the scalability, flexibility and development of projects and applications, and maintain a decisive cohesion in the user experience.

Perspectives and Future of Microfrontend Oriented CMSs

The integration with emerging and revolutionary tools such as artificial intelligence, augmented reality and virtual reality, makes web applications developed with Microfrontend oriented CMS, remain at the forefront of technological innovation.

Strapi and its Focus on Creating Custom APIs

Strapi is an open source, JavaScript-based, headless CMS that allows you to create and manage content on any device and whose platform offers flexible and scalable tools for the development or creation of custom APIs. Strapi uses the Microfrontend framework to improve the performance and scalability of its APIs.

How Strapi uses Microfrontend to improve efficiency and scalability

Strapi leverages the Microfrontend framework to decouple its API from the user interface. This is achieved by splitting the UI into independent applications that can be worked on separately.

Gatsby and its Focus on Creating Fast and Efficient Websites

Gatsby is a static website builder framework that represents a new approach based on ReactJS and GraphQL technologies. Its main attraction is the loading speed and efficiency of the sites.

How Gatsby uses Microfrontend to improve performance

Gatsby achieves loading speed thanks to its Microfrontends framework, which loads only the parts of the user interface that are needed, allowing for a satisfying user experience.

Contentful and its Focus on Content delivery through an API.

This is one of the most powerful tools for producing, managing and distributing content today. Its efficiency is based on the delivery of content through an API, which gives you the freedom to use the tools and workframes you want.

How Contentful uses Microfrontend to enhance modularity and customization

The microservices architecture and Microfrontend allow Contentful to integrate with different services and technologies through APIs, allowing the creation of customized modules according to the specifications and needs of each project, which facilitates and speeds up the work of developers.

Bloomreach and its Focus on Creating Reusable UI Components

Bloomreach is a CMS that focuses on the creation of user interface components, which can be reused in different parts of the application. These components can be developed, deployed and tested separately, which translates into greater flexibility and speed in the development process.

How Bloomreach uses Microfrontend to improve scalability

Highly customizable and scalable web applications are achieved by dividing the user interface into components with their own set of data and presentation logic. This allows scalability of each independently based on demand, without affecting the others.

On the other hand, the interaction of different technologies and services through APIs increases this scalability considerably.

Ibexa and its Focus on Customization

Ibexa's customization allows developers to create user experiences tailored to their specific needs. On the other hand, it also offers publishers content management tools that allow the customization of modules thanks to a series of functionalities and tools that facilitate this work.

Aplyca and Microfrontend oriented CMSs

At Aplyca we stay at the forefront of technologies, tools and frameworks. If your company is interested in implementing these technologies, contact us.