Empowering Agility in Large Development Teams with Next.js


Next.js boosts agility in large development teams by effectively facilitating scalability, offering fast and smooth performance through pre-rendering and server-side rendering, enabling rapid prototyping of features, having an active community and extensive documentation, and offering a variety of deployment options such as deployment in the cloud, in containers or on dedicated servers. 

Reasons to Use Next.js With Large Development Teams

Organizations invest in technological resources, human talent and time to achieve their objectives in the stipulated time. Therefore, new technologies such as Next.js that can bring synergy and optimize efforts and work processes are tools to achieve this efficiently.

The popularity of Next.js has grown exponentially due to its focus on facilitating and streamlining processes during development, which represents its main difference with other frameworks.

However, when it comes to large teams, Next.js integration ends up offering excellent results due to these reasons:


Its approach allows the building blocks of an app to be subdivided into smaller modules known as components.

Next.js development allows the creation of small pieces of code, which are independent and reusable, making maintenance much easier, since it is even possible to make updates, add and remove code without touching the rest of the application that is already in production.


This is a Next.js component in which developers can work in its integrated environment (with all the functionalities and advantages it offers) and, at the same time, take advantage of all the benefits of the serverless architecture, since this component allows applications developed in Next.js to be deployed in Amazon Web Services (AWS).

Serverless in Next.js, is basically a tool that makes it possible, and in a very easy way, the implementation of web applications in the cloud, allowing programmers to work without having to worry about the configuration, maintenance or scalability of a server.

Integration with build and automation tools

As an advanced React framework, React can also be integrated with a number of useful automation and build tools such as Webpack, Babel, EsLint, and the Styled-jsx component (used to import CSS records from a JavaScript file, also produced by the Next.js team).

Similarly, Next.js provides a coordinated experience where you can work with TypeScript and is also compatible with different environments for integration such as Node and React, among others.

Next.js Developer Community

All developers can access its official page nextjs.org, where they can find all the information they need to learn how to use a component, apply a configuration or clarify a doubt.

However, the popularity of Next.js translates into an active and collaborative community. These are the best known:  

Discord: to ask questions, share knowledge and connect with other Next.js developers.

Reddit subreddit: to share news, questions and projects related to Next.js.

The Facebook group: to share resources and knowledge, ask questions or ask for help to solve any problem during the development of an application or web page.

The Twitter channel: to see the latest news and updates, as well as get information about new features and tools.

The Next.js blog: to get any information or access tutorials.

NextJS Image
NextJS Image

Guide to Using Next.js for Large Teams

By following these practices you can use Next.js effectively with large teams:

1.  Standardize the project using tools such as ESLint, Prettier and Husky to keep the code clean and consistent.

2.  Break the code into reusable components to make it easier to maintain and scale. Using the Atomic Design technique, a clear hierarchy of components can be created.

3.  Use dynamic routing to create pages dynamically based on incoming data. This is especially useful in large projects where there are many pages that can share components.

4.  Implement pre-rendering to create static pages for users before they interact with the website. Next.js has native support for pre-rendering, which can significantly improve performance.

5.  Use server-side rendering (SSR) which also has native support for creating pages on the server and sending them to the client. This can improve website loading speed and user experience.

6.  Use API routes that allow you to create RESTful APIs to handle server logic and access the database.

7.  Use third-party packages to add functionality to the project and improve team efficiency.

8.  Perform testing on an ongoing basis to ensure it is working properly. Using tools such as Jest and React Testing Library, unit and integration testing can be performed.

9.  Use automation tools such as GitHub Actions and Travis CI to automate the deployment process and release new features faster and more efficiently.

10. Maintain clear documentation so team members can quickly understand how the project works. With tools such as Swagger and Postman, APIs can be documented.

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